Apple’s iOS 17 and iPadOS 17 Public Betas: Bilingual Siri Queries Now in English and Hindi

Apple’s iOS 17 and iPadOS 17 Public Betas: Bilingual Siri Queries Now in English and Hindi

Welcome to the world of tech, where Apple just released its first set of public betas for iOS 17, iPadOS 17, and macOS Sonoma. These versions come with new features for Indian users across platforms, including support for bilingual queries to Siri. Now, before you start thinking you can ask Siri to translate your favorite Bollywood movie, let’s break down the key points:

  • Users can now mix English and Hindi when querying Siri. This feature starts with select Indic languages like Telegu, Punjabi, Kannada, and Marathi.
  • Apple has added transliteration support on iOS for Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, and Malayalam. With this expansion, Apple now supports 10 indic languages.
  • Users can sign into their Apple ID using their phone number instead of an email ID on iOS 17, iPadOS 17, and macOS Sonoma.
  • A new built-in Punjabi dictionary is available to get definitions of words and phrases across platforms.
  • Users can now see up to 2,000 calls in the call history section including Facetime and WhatsApp calls.
  • Filtering messages by known and unknown senders is now possible on iPad.

Bilingual Siri: The Future of Tech

As we dive deeper into the age of technology, it’s clear that Apple is taking a step in the right direction with its support for bilingual queries on Siri. This feature not only makes Siri more accessible to a wider range of users but also highlights the importance of language diversity in technology. So next time you’re lost in translation, remember, Siri’s got your back.

Transliteration Support: Breaking Language Barriers

With the addition of transliteration support for additional Indic languages, Apple is breaking down language barriers and making its devices more user-friendly. This feature allows users to type in their native language using English letters, making communication easier and more efficient.

Phone Number Login: Because Who Remembers Emails Anyway?

Let’s face it, remembering emails can be a hassle. But with Apple’s new feature, users can now sign into their Apple ID using their phone number. This not only simplifies the login process but also makes it more convenient for users who prefer using their phone numbers over emails.

The Art Conclusion

So there you have it, folks. Apple is stepping up its game with its latest updates, making its devices more accessible and user-friendly. Now, if only they could come up with an update that stops us from misplacing our devices, that would be great.

“Apple’s on a roll, with updates so bold,
Bilingual Siri, a sight to behold.
Transliteration support, breaking the mold,
Apple’s tech game, pure gold.”

Source: MacRumors

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